Alejandro J. Weinstein and Michael B. Wakin. Recovering a clipped signal in Sparseland. Preprint, 2011. [pdf]
Journal Papers
K.L. Moore, M.D. Weiss, J.P. Steele, C. Meehan, J. Hulbert, E. Larson, and A. Weinstein. Experiments with autonomous mobile radios for wireless tethering in tunnels. The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology, 2011.
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, G. Alzarnora, N. Becker, O. Einenkel, and A. Weinstein. Novel 20-MW downhill conveyor system using three-level converters. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 49(5):1093–1100, 2002. [pdf]
P.W. Wheeler, J. Rodriguez, J.C. Clare, L. Empringham, and A. Weinstein. Matrix converters: a technology review. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 49(2):276–288, 2002. [pdf]
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, N. Becker, and A. Weinstein. Regenerative drives in the megawatt range for high-performance downhill belt conveyors. Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, 38(1):203–210, 2002. [pdf]
W. Koellner, F. Wickert, J. Rodriguez, and A. Weinstein. Enhancing mining excavator performance using AC drives with AFE. Siemens Metals and Mining Int. Newslett, pages 2–3, 2002.
Conference Papers
A.J. Weinstein and M.B. Wakin. Online Search Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. In IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, 2012. [pdf]
A.J. Weinstein and K.L. Moore. Pose estimation of Ackerman steering vehicles for outdoors autonomous navigation. In Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pages 579–584. IEEE, 2010. [pdf]
K.L. Moore, M. Whitehorn, A.J. Weinstein, and J. Xia. Toward a generic UGV autopilot. In Proceedings of SPIE, volume 7332, page 73321B, 2009.
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, G. Alzamora, N. Becker, O. Einenkel, JL Cornet, and A. Weinstein. Novel 20 MW downhill conveyor system using three-level converters. In Industry Applications Conference, 2001. Thirty-Sixth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE, volume 2, pages 1396–1403. IEEE, 2001. [pdf]
J. Rodriguez, A. Gonzalez, and A. Weinstein. A regenerative cell with reduced input current harmonics for multilevel inverters. In Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2000. Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on, volume 1, pages 371–378. IEEE, 2000.
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, N. Becker, and A. Weinstein. Regenerative drives in the megawatt range for high performance downhill belt conveyors. In Industry Applications Conference, 2000. Conference Record of the 2000 IEEE, volume 4, pages 2707–2712. IEEE, 2000.
J. Rodriguez, R. Cuadra, and A. Weinstein. Simulation of a 12-pulse cycloconverter with the alternative transient program (ATP). In Computers in Power Electronics, 2000. COMPEL 2000. The 7th Workshop on, pages 268–274. IEEE, 2000.
Book Chapters
Jose Rodriguez and Alejandro Weinstein. Single-phase controlled rectifiers. In M. Rashid, editor, Power electronics handbook. Academic Press, 2002.
R. Stegmaier, P. Escalona, A. Weinstein, J.P. Hernández, D. Rodríguez, and E. González. Sistema de dispositivo para el monitoreo en forma remota de una o más líneas de procesos de manufactura discreta. Chilean patent 763–2006, 2006.
Publications also available via my Google Scholar profile.