When running some Python experiments — where typically each experiment corresponds to run a simulation under some particular conditions — I find useful to be able to call a particular function from the command line. For example, if I define the functions exp_1, exp_2, and exp_3, I want to be able to do the following from the command line:
$ python my_script.py exp_1
Running experiment 1...
The following code allows this:
def exp_1():
print 'Running experiment 1...'
# Do some stuff
def exp_2():
print 'Running experiment 2...'
# Do some stuff
def exp_3():
print 'Running experiment 3...'
# Do some stuff
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
fname = sys.argv[1]
if locals().has_key(fname) and hasattr(locals()[fname], '__call__'):
print 'Function %s does not exist' % fname
print 'Wrong number of arguments'
Note that if you're using IPython, you can do
In [1]: run foo exp_1
Running experiment 1...